Research Article

Community Engagement in Health Promotion: Results from a Realist Multiple Case Study

Table 4

Project characteristics.

ProjectIntervention/activitiesScale/target groupRelevant project characteristics

Project AWorking groups of families organising activities/events(i) Families in vulnerable situations (as defined)
(ii) Specific neighbourhoods
The project consists of multiple parts, one of which is a CE project. The project was initiated by a consortium from the municipality and the local university. Health and community workers are also represented in the project team
(Assumed) CE elements:
(i) Families working together with project team to create a plan (based on evidence-based interventions)
(ii) Setting project goals together with project team
(iii) Cooperation in working groups to organise and implement interventions

Project BGroups of single-parents organising activities/events(i) Single parents (in vulnerable situations, as defined)
(ii) Specific neighbourhoods
The project began as a primarily community-driven project directed by working groups of families/parents. After one year, project leaders shifted towards a professional-driven strategy
(Assumed) CE elements:
(i) Participation in a working group of parents, which will
 (a) think of relevant activities and facilities for the single parents in the neighbourhood
 (b) Organise/implement such activities
(ii) Actively participate in the activities in the neighbourhood
(iii) (Mentally) support other parents in similar situations

Project CFamilies’ initiatives are supported in design and implementation(i) Families in vulnerable situations (as defined), also more specifically children
(ii) Specific neighbourhoods
The entire project is based on CE
CE elements:
(i) Participation in creating an “infrastructure” for neighbourhood inhabitants to realise their (so far not realised) initiatives
(ii) The intervention is based on trust in families’ taking responsibility for the activities